
Microtopia | Microtopia
Audrey Defonte, Denis Koessler, Philip Gonçalves, Alexandre Terrier, Pierre Duhem, Achille Bauduin
3:30 | France | 2020

Observe and discover creatures and how they interact with each other within an organic-mechanic micro-world.

Audrey Defonte, Denis Koessler, Philip Gonçalves, Alexandre Terrier, Pierre Duhem, Achille Bauduin
About Director
Audrey Defonte, Denis Koessler, Philip Gonçalves, Alexandre Terrier, Pierre Duhem, Achille Bauduin
Audrey Defonte, Denis Koessler, Philip Gonçalves, Alexandre Terrier, Pierre Duhem and Achille Bauduin have graduated from the Pôle 3D school (Roubaix, France). In 2020, they co-directed the short film “Microtopia”.

Microtopia Microtopia Microtopia Microtopia